Rickettsiosis Complications Due to Late Diagnosis in the Pediatric Patient

Complicaciones de Rickettsiosis debido al Diagnóstico Tardío en el Paciente Pediátrico


  • Manuel A. Cano-Rangel Hospital Infantil del Estado de Sonora
  • Adriana E. Buzani-Peña Universidad Durango Santander
  • Dario Páez-Douriet Universidad Durango Santander https://orcid.org/0009-0007-9518-4496
  • Alberto Ramón-Ríos Universidad Durango Santander
  • Alberto Ramírez-Mexía Universidad Durango Santander
  • Manuel R. Ramírez-Mexía Universidad Durango Santander




rickettsiosis, complications, pediatrics


Rickettsiosis are a group of diseases caused by gram-negative coco-bacilli of the Rickettsia genus that are distributed among hematophagous arthropod vectors such as ticks, fleas, lice, or mites. Within Sonora, rickettsiosis plays a more important role due to the dry climate in the zone which favors its prevalence and incidence year after year. For this reason, it is considered an endemic disease of the state and of epidemiological importance.

The common clinical manifestations are usually characterized by febrile episodes, myalgia, headache and general malaise, making it a pathology that represents a diagnostic challenge for the first contact health personnel due to its non-specific manifestations, which makes it susceptible to developing complications, especially if an early diagnosis or suspicion are not made, that could allow us to start with an adequate therapy; particularly in pediatric patients, the complications are severe and catastrophic for both the relatives and the patient, they were related to multi-organ failure, more frequently we found affected the neurological, renal, vascular and hepatic systems; and it must be considered that all of these can culminate in the death of the patient.

Currently, scientific data is limited regarding information on rickettsiosis in pediatric patients and its potential complications. Therefore, this article seeks to disseminate the necessary information in these scenarios, with the aim of not underestimating possible diagnoses within the pediatric population, since it is one of the most vulnerable groups to be exposed to the disease, as well as its possible complications due to the inability to objectively communicating their condition.


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How to Cite

Cano-Rangel, M. A., Buzani-Peña, A. E., Páez-Douriet, D., Ramón-Ríos, A., Ramírez-Mexía, A., & Ramírez-Mexía, M. R. (2023). Rickettsiosis Complications Due to Late Diagnosis in the Pediatric Patient: Complicaciones de Rickettsiosis debido al Diagnóstico Tardío en el Paciente Pediátrico . REMUS - Revista Estudiantil De Medicina De La Universidad De Sonora, (8). https://doi.org/10.59420/remus.8.2022.113
