Childhood obesity: the problem hidden in plain sight

Obesidad infantil: el problema oculto a la vista


  • Jaime Gabriel Hurtado-Valenzuela
  • Iyya Deni Bernal Cruz Universidad de Sonora



Obesity is defined as the excessive accumulation of fat of multifactorial origin and represents a risk for the development of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Currently, Mexico is one of the countries with the highest rate of overweight and obesity in the world, present in both adults and children. In the case of childhood obesity, its prevalence is increasing at the national level, as is the presence of chronic diseases at an early age. Despite its multifactorial origin, 95% of cases of childhood obesity present environmental components due to culture, sedentary lifestyle and eating habits of the population


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Author Biographies

Jaime Gabriel Hurtado-Valenzuela

Interviewee: Dr. Jaime Gabriel Hurtado Valenzuela, doctor from the UNAM Faculty of Medicine. Pediatrician HIES-UNAM, coordinator of HIES medical specialties. Professor of Pediatrics UNAM. Member of the Mexican Academy of Pediatrics. Editor of the Clinical Bulletin of the Children's Hospital of the State of Sonora

Iyya Deni Bernal Cruz, Universidad de Sonora

Interviewer: Iyya Deni Bernal Cruz, student of the seventh semester of the Bachelor of Medicine at the University of Sonora and assistant editor-in-chief of the Student Medicine Magazine of the University of Sonora.



How to Cite

Hurtado-Valenzuela, J. . G., & Bernal Cruz, I. D. (2023). Childhood obesity: the problem hidden in plain sight: Obesidad infantil: el problema oculto a la vista. REMUS - Revista Estudiantil De Medicina De La Universidad De Sonora (Journal of Medical Students’ of the University of Sonora), (8).



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