Implementación de Examen Clínico Objetivo Estructurado con Paciente Estandarizado como requisito de titulación de Medicina


  • Sergio Trujillo López Universidad de Sonora
  • Aziel Alejandro Peralta Ramírez Universidad de Sonora
  • Gonzalo Armando Navarro Armendariz Universidad de Sonora
  • Sayil Alejandra De La Torre Othón Universidad de Sonora
  • Krisna M. Hernández Mercado Universidad de Sonora
  • Jesús Adrián Rojas López Universidad de Sonora



Introduction: Clinical simulation offers a safe environment for students to practice without consequences and receive immediate feedback. Standardized patients are crucial for teaching clinical and communication skills. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is essential in assessing clinical competencies. At the University of Sonora, the practical exam for graduation in General Medicine is based on the OSCE.

Objective: This study describes the design and implementation of practical exams as a graduation requirement in General Medicine using the OSCE with Standardized Patients and evaluates student satisfaction. Method: An observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was conducted with 18 candidates for a degree in General Medicine on the implementation of the OSCE with Standardized Patients. Four stations were developed and implemented for each student, and a satisfaction survey was administered at the end.

Results: 79% of participants strongly agreed with the usefulness of the OSCE and its design as a graduation requirement, while 21% somewhat agreed. Conclusions: The OSCE evaluates theoretical knowledge and clinical skills, identifying areas for improvement in students to address deficiencies before facing real clinical situations.


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2024-09-11 — Updated on 2024-09-15

How to Cite

Trujillo López, S., Peralta Ramírez, A. A., Navarro Armendariz, G. A., De La Torre Othón, S. A., Hernández Mercado, K. M., & Rojas López, J. A. (2024). Implementación de Examen Clínico Objetivo Estructurado con Paciente Estandarizado como requisito de titulación de Medicina. REMUS - Revista Estudiantil De Medicina De La Universidad De Sonora, 1(12).
